Workflow Experts | Exosoft
Attention Business Owners: It’s time to upgrade
Scale your business, empower your staff, and reach your true potential.
What do we do?
Exosoft is a company focussed on making our clients more money with our expertise in software. We are experts in workflows and data. We can join up the dots in your business far better than off-the-shelf software and free up your people to do the important things that computers can’t do.
Get in touch with our friendly and enthusiastic team, and let us help you improve the speed, accuracy, and oversight of your business workflows. If book a call, we’ll talk to you about your business—no jargon, no nonsense, no obligation—and we’ll come up with a plan just for you.

Book a call now.
Tech can often be a barrier to progress instead of a catalyst.
Not using tech in a way that fits your business is costing you, your colleagues, and your customers:
How many times have you heard a colleague, a family member, a friend (or even yourself) complain about software and computers?
Accounting packages, document processing, spreadsheets, offline storage, cloud storage, CRMs, communications tools, marketing analytics… Usually these platforms do their job just fine. But as an ensemble, are they working in concert for your business?
Why should we pick Exosoft?
We've taken our customers:
  • from manual data entry to automatic completion
  • from tedious data processing to errorless ingest
  • from scattered files and information to decision making data
Software should support people to achieve, not be a barrier to it.
When you hire us:
  • you're committing to removing the techno-dread of your employees
  • you're giving them the tools to really do their job
Our Partners
EGG Logo Ovation Data Logo ET Works Logo Konsistent Logo Rosetta Brands Logo
Yet another off-the-shelf SaaS tool won't help you.
Big SaaS companies don't care about what makes you or your business tick, and they can't; they don't have what Exosoft has...
...Our team
(we are NOT just software engineers).
We're going to take a look at your people, your business and your workflows (business processes) and get to know how it all fits together.
It's not about the tech at the end of the day—it's about getting business done better. And we want to know your business.
So let us know!
Book a call now
Even if you don't know where to start, let us guide you to better tech, and better business.
Book in your free call now and let's get to work:
  • Reducing your costs of doing business
  • Enabling you to focus on high value work
  • Allowing you to scale and succeed, as a business, and as a team.
What happens after our call?
We'll have a good old chat about what's bugging you.
Then we'll go away and do our homework.
If we think we can make a difference to you (and we'll tell you if we can't), we'll arrange a FREE workflow consultation (package worth £1000+) where we will really get to know you and your team, what you do, and give you a report on what's going wrong, and how we can make it right again.
Book a call now